Even the best technology is only as good as the people who operate it. That's why we attach great importance to passing on our expertise and experience in gentle pipe rehabilitation using RabbitCoating technology.
Our service includes a two-day training course at our training centre in Siegen. The first day starts with a theoretical part in which the technology and handling of the iPad and the associated RabbitControl app are taught. Safety measures and the correct handling of the polyurethane resin are also part of the theoretical part of the training. The background knowledge is crucial for controlling and monitoring the coating process and enables users to achieve precise results.
In the second part of the training, the participants immerse themselves in the intensive practical part. Under the guidance of our experts, they learn how to thoroughly clean and dry various pipes before continuing with the RabbitCoating system. In the next step, the pipes are coated using the brushing or spraying method. Several layers of RabbitResin are applied to the inside of the pipe using a brush or spray head. To make the training as realistic as possible, our training pipes are equipped with sockets, bends and different diameters. The rehabilitation of downpipes and working with the RabbitMover is also an important part of the practical training. Our experts attach great importance to eliminating all uncertainties and questions - so participants feel well prepared for their first own construction site.
The certified training ends with a final discussion and a Q&A session, as well as the handover of all necessary documents. From the preparation of the pipes to the actual RabbitCoating and the final inspection, all relevant steps of the renovation process are covered.
Training in other languages is also no obstacle for us: our expert Philippe is a true Frenchman and translates every step for a successful rehabilitation with the RabbitCoater. Our expert Callum is responsible for the English area. Together with our coating professional Andree, they guide the participants through the training, providing them with the essential know-how for using the RabbitCoater and for gentle pipe rehabilitation.