Cuts, sleeves & dimensional leaps: the coating shows what it can do!

Cuts im Rohr

A frequent question we are asked by our customers is: ‘Can the Sprayliner process also be used to repair cracks in in-house pipes?’ Our answer: Yes, we can! However, the immutable rule of physics also applies to us: broken pipes and missing pipe sections cannot be replaced with our RabbitCoater. However, our process is ideally suited to reliably rehabilitating challenges such as small cracks, joints and bends.

The practical test: We push the coater to its limits

To demonstrate the performance of our Sprayliner system, our coating experts Luca and Callum carried out a practical test. This involved preparing a pipe system with several cracks, bends and dimensional jumps. The aim was to test the limits of our technology and show how effective our process can be even in difficult pipe runs.

Brushing and spraying technology: an unbeatable duo

At the heart of our process is the 2-component polyurethane resin RabbitResin, which guarantees maximum tightness and durability even in complex pipe systems. Using a combination of brushing and spraying technology, we were able to seal the small cracks and reliably seal all joints with just a few layers. Firstly, we applied three layers using the brushing technique. This step is crucial in order to reach joints and bends particularly well and to create a stable basis for further rehabilitation.

The spray technique was then used to apply the final layer. This method ensures that the pipe is evenly coated with resin to create a smooth and seamless layer without corners, edges or leaks.

The mover as a miracle weapon: Our RabbitMover pulls the spray head through the complex pipe system at an even, customised speed. This not only supports the rehabilitation process, but also makes the work of the specialised personnel much easier. A major advantage of our process is the extremely short curing time of the resin. The material is fully cured within 3-5 minutes per layer, creating a ‘pipe within a pipe’ that will remain tight and reliable for the next 50 years.

A fast and durable solution for in-house lines

With our Sprayliner process, we offer a fast, efficient and durable solution for the rehabilitation of in-house pipes. Whether small cracks, sockets or bends - our system is convincing even with challenging pipe structures. Thanks to the innovative combination of brushing and spraying technology and the efficient polyurethane resin, even complex rehabilitation projects can be realised precisely and quickly.